Our coffee and conversations are in the Broadway Armory dining room and start at 9 a.m. Meet up with us there for lively exploration of each week’s topics.
Moderators will facilitate the discussion as the group explores interesting and sometimes controversial topics. Each week’s discussion is typically accompanied by some readings you’ll receive in advance via email.
The topics for March 4th are:
Topic #1: Update on Trump Administration activities
Topic #2: Has the Trump administration used its pardon power (e.g.,Blago + January 6 participants) and its discretion to seek or drop criminal indictments (e.g., Mayor Adams) to impermissibly introduced political considerations to the administration of justice? Consequences or US? Does Madigan verdict indicate a shift in public sentiment on prosecution of public corruption?
If you are interested in participating in our discussions but are not on our distribution list, send an email to John Williams and we will add you to the list.